Josh changed my life: Watch_Dogs 2, still important.

With today being the one year anniversary of Watch_Dogs 2, I felt it only right to make a post about everything that has happened since the release of the game until now and how I feel about these things, as well as Josh. This post will be rather long, so I do apologise for that, I simply have a lot to get out.

Continue reading “Josh changed my life: Watch_Dogs 2, still important.”

The Watch_Dogs GIF – How I did it.

This post isn’t about my Aspergers in any usual way. More of a thank you to Ubisoft again, they give us so much of their time, so I spent the last five days working on the GIF pixel by pixel, in a loving way of giving them my time. In a way, it does tie in with my previous Watch_Dogs posts but it is also based on recent events. It also ties in with Aspergers in a more subtle way.


Continue reading “The Watch_Dogs GIF – How I did it.”

Conventions and cosplay: easy, right?

This post is about my experiences with conventions and cosplays based on past events.

Back in July I finally got to do my first cosplay after years of wanting to do one but never having the confidence, time or money. I have been to conventions before, small ones near where I live and adored doing them. From conventions based on specific things (like The Warriors convention) or a general mix of games, anime, movies, comics and shows. These conventions have always been rather small though, with the largest one I had been in Bristol in 2016 until recently at Montreal Comic Con 2017. Continue reading “Conventions and cosplay: easy, right?”

Struggling with acceptance.

A lot of my posts have been rather positive in the underlying message or they have been directly positive. Sharing how I have accepted myself a little more thanks to Ubisoft and Jonathan Dubsky for the creation and portrayal of Josh Sauchak in Watch Dogs 2. I mentioned how much Josh means to me and how grateful I was. That post received a lot of positivity, hopefully, this one will receive the same amount of attention as it is important, yet sadly, a little negative in comparison.

Continue reading “Struggling with acceptance.”

Thank you letter to Ubisoft – My gift.

Some of you reading this may have read my post: Josh Sauchak – Why he’s so important to me.

In the post, I wrote about how growing up without anyone like me was horrible, I was always made to feel like a freak because of myself being an Aspie. Media had attempted to portray people like me but it was always the stereotypical Autism that makes others say, “You don’t look Autistic.”
I wrote about my feelings when Ubisoft created Josh Sauchak in Watch Dogs 2 and how much it meant to have someone like him, someone that so accurately portrayed me and others like me. Josh and I in person are almost exactly alike, online I have a voice that I don’t have in the real world, online I can speak about Autism and Aspergers and raise awareness, especially now Josh has been created. So many love him, myself included of course and it gave me hope that people could love me too and after writing that post I found someone through Shawn Baichoo who accepts me exactly the way I am. I love them both dearly and I would be lost without them. I found my own DedSec through Watch Dogs 2.

Continue reading “Thank you letter to Ubisoft – My gift.”

Josh Sauchak – Why he’s so important to me.

This is my first post, I have moved it from the original location but you can still find it here.

Today I bawled my eyes out, not out of sadness but out of happiness because I finally got to explain to someone what Josh means to Autistic and Aspergers people and I realised during that explanation that he’s my favourite character. Not just in Watch Dogs but in the whole of existence.

Now I feel a little weird writing this because I’ve never felt this way with a character before and if you read this and start to get a little confused please bare with me.

Continue reading “Josh Sauchak – Why he’s so important to me.”